Hi There,


Congratulations on your engagement!

Are you looking for a wedding photographer that will capture your big day in a natural, fun and relaxed style as they blend into the crowd?

Or someone that can take you both away for beautiful photos without too much fuss or awkward possing? I Document, I mingle, I may make you smile with my goofiness, and I adapt to your beautiful day.

Who i am,


I'm Dave of course! A former Royal Marine. Tree propagater. YouTuber (Not wedding related).

Partner to a beautiful Filipina nurse. Daddy to a wonderful baby boy.

Straight talker and humble bubble bee.

For my 2nd photographer request, my partner in crime "Mary" always comes along with me.

my style,

I like to mix between the candid “fly on the wall” documenting style and getting more involved with you and your guests. How much of each depends on the people and situation. I’m a pretty good judge of when you and your guests don’t want a camera in their faces and when they’re ready to show me their personality. 


You’ll quickly notice that I take tightly framed intimate portraiture photos of you both. I get very creative with these. I don’t follow a set routine and will do what I think works for you both and the location.


My style of photography is very clean and creative while using the surrounding environment to my advantage.

I edit in a slightly light and airy touch while keeping that close to true colouring which gives you a timeless collection of your day.

Ultimately, I document those precious moments of you both and the moments you may have missed of your friends and family.

If you think that we'd be a great match, feel free to get in contact and we'll have a chat about your wonderful wedding day.

Please navigate every page to find out who we are and what we offer.

Thank you